Core Facility

Fan Liu

Mass Spectrometry


The mass spectrometry facility hosts state-of-the-art infrastructure for protein characterization. This includes high-end MS technologies for protein identification, quantification, post-translational modification and interaction analysis.


Proteins are functional cornerstones of the cell and alterations in protein expression, post-translational modification (PTM), structure and interactions are linked to every physiological and pathological process. The aim of the MS facility is to provide cutting-edge MS technologies for protein characterization in all aformentioned perspectives.
We host a range of state-of-the-art mass spectrometers, including Orbitrap Fusion Lumos ETD, Orbitrap Fusion ETD and Orbitrap Elite (Thermo Fisher Scientific), coupled to ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) systems.
Furthermore, we are also equipped with standalone high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system for peptide separation and skilled in advanced sample preparing procedures, assuring the delivery of reliable and reproducible results to our customers and collaborators.


The MS core facility offers a wide range of services related to protein characterization. This includes but not limited to:

  • protein identification from gels or in solution.
  • affinity purification MS to identify protein interaction partners.
  • global proteome quantification using well-established quantitative proteomics approaches, including label-free, SILAC and TMT strategies.
  • protein post-translational modification (PTM) analysis.
  • protein structure and interaction profiling by cross-linking mass spectrometry.
  • protein and peptide separation by liquid chromatography, including basic reversed phase separation, size exclusion chromatography and ion exchange chromatography.

Sample Submission

First time user: please contact us to discuss your project.

Regular users: please fill in the sample submission form to submit your samples.

Method development

In addition to routine services, the MS core facility also actively involves in method development tailored to specific collaborative projects. Our latest advancements focus on 1) establishing proteome-wide cross-linking mass spectrometry pipeline (in collaboration with Thermo Fisher Scientific) and 2) developing novel data acquisition strategies for labile protein post-translational modifications, in particular pyrophosphorylation (in collaboration with Prof. Dorothea Fiedler) as well as Cys, Lys and His phosphorylation (in collaboration with Prof. Christian Hackenberger). For more details, please refer to our publications.


Prof. Dr. Fan Liu

Head, Fan Liu (SI) Group,
Head Mass Spectrometry

Research Section

Structural Biology

Publications via ORCID

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