Structural Biology

Molecular pharmacology requires structural information on all length and time scales. Contributions of NMR spectroscopy typically include high-resolution structural investigations on target systems, studies of their interactions with drug-like molecules, and imaging at the level of organisms.

As a spectroscopic technique, NMR serves ‘metabolomics’ studies and investigations on the effects of dynamics in biological processes. Future pharmacology-oriented structural studies are expected to provide information on how super-molecular arrangements assemble and disassemble within the cell, and how these processes are controlled in vivo by protein expression, degradation, post-translational modification as well as through the application of small-molecule or protein-based drugs. The dynamic nature of these phenomena demands the application of NMR, exploiting its triple capabilities of structure determination, spectroscopy, and imaging. Integrating these and other biophysical data with molecular modelling and cheminformatics methods is essential for deriving a comprehensive picture of pharmacological processes as a basis for ligand design.

Scientific Coordinator


By OrganizationA-Z

Adam Lange

Molecular Biophysics

We use solid-state NMR spectroscopy and a variety of other biophysical methods to study protein structure and dynamics. The systems of…

Research Unit
Research UnitStructural Biology

Fan Liu

Structural Interactomics

Our group is interested in developing and applying tools to characterize the complexity of protein interactions within the cell. Using…

Research Unit
Research UnitStructural Biology

Hartmut Oschkinat

NMR-Supported Structural Biology

The Oschkinat lab focuses on the structural characterisation of protein-protein interactions responsible for the reception and transduction…

Research Unit
Research UnitStructural Biology

Sigrid Milles

Integrated Structural Dynamics

We are particularly interested in the process of clathrin mediated endocytosis, which exploits a high number of intrinsically disordered…

Junior Group
Junior GroupStructural Biology

Daniel Roderer

Structure and mechanism of microbiome-driven diseases

We are interested in the molecular mechanism of host-microbiome interactions in the human intestinal system, which play important roles in…

Junior Group
Junior GroupStructural Biology

Fan Liu

Mass Spectrometry

The mass spectrometry facility hosts state-of-the-art infrastructure for protein characterization. This includes high-end MS technologies…

Core Facility
Core FacilityStructural Biology

Peter Schmieder


The NMR facility maintains the NMR spectrometers of the FMP and supports researchers from inside and outside the FMP in using…

Core Facility
Core FacilityStructural Biology