Research Unit

Fan Liu

Structural Interactomics

Fan Liu

Our group is interested in developing and applying tools to characterize the complexity of protein interactions within the cell. Using state-of-the-art mass spectrometric technologies, in particular cross-linking mass spectrometry (XL-MS), we aim to chart the protein interactomes of complex biological systems.

Better understanding of protein interactions

Nearly every process in the living cell is based on proteins. To precisely execute this plethora of tasks, proteins are highly organized in a variety of assemblies, ranging from stable protein complexes, well-regulated pathways, to extended protein interaction networks. Perturbation of these well-balanced systems is linked to many different physiological and pathological conditions. Our group is interested in developing and applying tools to characterize the complexity of protein interactions within the cell. Using state-of-the-art mass spectrometric technologies, in particular cross-linking mass spectrometry, we aim to gain a better understanding of protein interactomes in complex biological systems. These studies will offer enormous opportunities to elucidate the fundamental organization principles of proteins and discover previously unrecognized protein interactions in health and disease.


Research Overview

Proteins are the primary effectors of cells. They are highly organized in a variety of assemblies, forming the basis of well-regulated pathways and networks to precisely execute a plethora of cellular processes. Alternations of proteins expression, and their interaction networks are linked to many physiological and pathological conditions. Our main interest is to develop and apply mass spectrometry-based approaches to understand the spatial organization and dynamic regulation of protein complexes in space and time during cellular processes such as signaling and differentiation.



Prof. Dr. Fan Liu

Head, Fan Liu (SI) Group,
Head Mass Spectrometry

Research Section

Structural Biology



Publications via ORCID

of 5


  • Milan Avila Clasen; Max Ruwolt; Louise U. Kurt; Fabio C Gozzo; Shuai Wang; Tao Chen; Paulo C Carvalho; Diogo Borges Lima; Fan Liu
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Real-Time Library Search Increases Cross-Link Identification Depth across All Levels of Sample Complexity

  • Max Ruwolt; Yi He; Diogo Borges Lima; William Barshop; Johannes Broichhagen; Romain Huguet; Rosa Viner; Fan Liu

Analytical Chemistry 2023

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The potential of cross-linking mass spectrometry in the development of protein–protein interaction modulators

  • Max Ruwolt; Ilaria Piazza; Fan Liu

Current Opinion in Structural Biology 2023

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An antagonism between Spinophilin and Syd-1 operates upstream of memory-promoting presynaptic long-term plasticity

  • Niraja Ramesh; Marc Escher; Oriane Turrel; Janine Lützkendorf; Tanja Matkovic; Fan Liu; Stephan Sigrist

eLife 2023

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CaMKII autophosphorylation can occur between holoenzymes without subunit exchange

  • Iva Lučić; Léonie Héluin; Pin-Lian Jiang; Alejandro G Castro Scalise; Cong Wang; Andreas Franz; Florian Heyd; Markus Wahl; Fan Liu; Andrew Plested

eLife 2023

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Spatially resolved protein map of intact human cytomegalovirus virions

  • Boris Bogdanow; Iris Gruska; Lars Mühlberg; Jonas Protze; Svea Hohensee; Barbara Vetter; Jens B. Bosse; Martin Lehmann; Mohsen Sadeghi; Lüder Wiebusch; Fan Liu

Nature Microbiology 2023

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Structural Host-Virus Interactome Profiling of Intact Infected Cells

  • Boris Bogdanow; Lars Mühlberg; Iris Gruska; Barbara Vetter; Julia Ruta; Arne Elofsson; Lüder Wiebusch; Fan Liu
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