
Schools Outreach: FMP ChemLab

We collaborate closely with schools. Since 2010, we have supported the FMP-ChemLab student laboratory, a collaborative project with the Gläsernes Labor on the Campus Berlin-Buch.

In the FMP ChemLab, high school students take on the role of chemists and, working in small teams and guided by scientists, solve problems relating to natural and active substances, polymers and dyes.
All courses take place in house A13/Gläsernes Labor. Please book the corses at Gläsernes Labor.

Indigo & Co - Hier geht es bunt zu
Coffein - Wirkstoff oder Droge?
Kunststoffe - Stoffe für (fast) alles!?
Immer der Nase nach! - Destillation von Duftstoffen
Kohlenhydrate: von Glucose zu Glykoproteinen
Proteine - Bausteine des Lebens