
Prof. Dr.

Adam Lange

Structural Biology

Lange Group

HU Berlin

Curriculum Vitae

10/1997 – 11/2002

Studies of Physics

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

11/2002 – 09/2006

PhD/Postdoctoral studies

Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen

10/2003 – 04/2004

Research visit

National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA

10/2006 – 08/2008

Postdoctoral fellow at the Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, EMBO long-term fellowship

ETH Zürich, Switzerland

09/2008 – 03/2014

Research Group Leader

Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Emmy Noether fellowship


Department Head



W3 Professur

Humboldt-University of Berlin

2019 – 2021

Executive board member

Einstein Center of Catalysis Berlin



Center of Excellence UniSysCat Research Unit E


ICMRBS Founders’ Medal

ERC Starting Grant
"3D structures of bacterial supramolecular assemblies by solid-state NMR"

Otto Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society

Ernst Award of the German Chemical Society

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BSH-CP based 3D solid-state NMR experiments for protein resonance assignment

  • Adam Lange

Journal of Biomolecular NMR 2014

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Towards automatic protein backbone assignment using proton-detected 4D solid-state NMR data

  • Adam Lange

Journal of Biomolecular NMR 2014

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Proton-detected MAS NMR experiments based on dipolar transfers for backbone assignment of highly deuterated proteins

  • Adam Lange

Journal of Magnetic Resonance 2014

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NMR-Based Detection of Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange in Liposome-Embedded Membrane Proteins

  • Adam Lange

PLoS ONE 2014

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High-resolution structure of the Shigella type-III secretion needle by solid-state NMR and cryo-electron microscopy

  • Adam Lange

Nature Communications 2014

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Revisiting the Synthesis and Elucidating the Structure of Potassium Cyclopentadienyldicarbonylruthenate, K[CpRu(CO)2]

  • Adam Lange

Organometallics 2014

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Synthetic Access to a Hydrocarbon-Soluble Trifluorinated Ge(II) Compound and its Sn(II) Congener

  • Adam Lange

Journal of the American Chemical Society 2014

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Nucleotide Interactions of the Human Voltage-dependent Anion Channel

  • Adam Lange

Journal of Biological Chemistry 2014

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Studies on the MxiH Protein in T3SS Needles Using DNP-Enhanced ssNMR Spectroscopy

  • Adam Lange

ChemPhysChem 2014

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Spontaneous Aggregation of the Insulin-Derived Steric Zipper Peptide VEALYL Results in Different Aggregation Forms with Common Features

  • Adam Lange

Journal of Molecular Biology 2014

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