Portrait Marc


Marc Wegert

PhD Student Hackenberger Group

 +49 30 94793 270

+49 30 94793 188




Marc grew up in the suburbs of Munich, Bavariva and completed his undergrads in pharmacy at the LMU in Großhadern. During his studies, he started to gain interest in organic synthesis at Dr. Oliver Thorn-Seshold’s lab synthesizing covalent phostoswitchable microtubule disruptors and the scale up for in-vivo­ mice studies. After finishing his state examination, he joined David Spring’s lab in Cambridge, UK. There, he started out synthesizing unnatural amino acids for the incorporation of stapled peptides. He currently is working on a system to induce cleavage of phosphonamidates based bioconjugates. In his free time, Marc likes to dive into the Berlin nightlife, check out new art galleries or update his wardrobe at flee markets.

Chemical Biology

Hackenberger Group