Abhirup was born and raised in Kolkata, India, which is known for its rich culture and love for football. Trying to be cool, he opted to pursue a BS+MS dual degree in Chemistry at IIT Bombay, where he worked on developing C-H functionalization pathways under Prof. Debabrata Maiti. But at the end of his studies, he felt that, just like Jon Snow, he knew nothing. So then, he decided to join the MSc program at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel. There, he loved how complex biological processes can be rationally explained by the principles of organic chemistry and be manipulated by small molecules. So naturally, he was drawn toward chemical biology and did his master's thesis under Prof. David Margulies, where he designed fluorescent bacterial probes for high-throughput screening applications. After having a fair share of hummus, he moved further west towards Berlin to join the Fiedler group for his PhD and is now focused on designing photoaffinity probes to identify novel protein targets of inositol polyphosphates. In his spare time, he likes to think about food, play badminton, and go hiking.