Take advantage of the best support - Thesis Committee Meetings
Requirements for our PhD students:
Every PhD student has a Thesis Committee with at least two committee members. This committee consists of the primary research advisor and up to two other committee members. It would be desirable if the other members are later reviewers of the doctoral thesis. It is not necessary that all committee members are from the FMP.
The meetings have different requirements according to the progress of the doctoral thesis:
1st meeting:
2nd meeting:
3rd meeting:
If applicable: 4th meeting: latest 48 month after starting.
The slides of the talk (and if applicable report/proposal) should be sent to the entire Thesis Committee no later than 1 week before the meeting.
Each PhD student is required to organize the annual meeting with the committee members themselves. The coordinator of the graduate school will remind the PhD student about this meeting 3 months prior to the latest possible date of the meeting. The Thesis Committee and the doctoral student discuss the current project.
If the doctoral student fails to comply with his or her duty to organize a meeting despite being requested to do so, a reminder will be sent to him or her at the same time as the group leader. If there is still no appointment, an obligatory consultation with the head of the FMP Graduate School and the supervisor of the doctoral student is scheduled.
A summary of the meeting is prepared and signed by all members of the committee and the PhD student (see documentation form). A copy of this form is given to the coordinator of the graduate school Mrs. Katrin Wittig.