
As a publicly funded research institution, the FMP is committed to its social responsibility for the protection and preservation of our livelihoods. The institute strives to design processes and structures in such a way that resources are used moderately, reused as many times as possible and recycled as much as possible after they have been used. We also work to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible.

The Green Initiative

The 'FMP Green Initiative' is a grassroot initiative founded in 2019 by PhD students and postdocs. It aims to create a culture of sustainability to reduce the environmental footprint of research at the FMP. Significant reductions in waste and energy consumption have been achieved through changes in laboratory routines. Here you can learn how it all started - in an interview of the founders.


Thanks to the commitment of the Green Initiative, four labs (Haucke, Fiedler, Hackenberger, Broichhagen) are now certified as sustainable laboratories by the non-profit organisation "My Green Lab".


The FMP Green Initiative is always interested in a exchange of knowledge with other organizations. Several of its members have been involved in outreach activities. Below, you a find a selection of those: